With hair dye. Seriously. It's a sneaky mofo.
On Saturdays I work at my Aunt's hair salon, cleaning. Hair dye shows up in the weirdest spots. One time I was cleaning tint bowls and when I finished I looked down and noticed there was bleach on my shirt. I didn't clean any bowls with bleach in them and apparently I hadn't noticed the big splotch of bleach on the edge of the counter, but now, there's a big bleach stain on my Jimi Hendrix shirt. If I'm ever dealing with dirty towels (which is a lot) I get dye on my hands. If I organize all the dye and tint, the tubes and bottles are sometimes covered in crap, so it gets all over me. This past Saturday, I was taking out the trash. I went to put the lid back on the garbage can and there was hair dye on the inside of it. THE INSIDE. WHAT? I don't understand how that happens. Outside, okay, fine. Inside, wtf?
Anyway, I'm obviously losing this battle. There are in fact dye stains on my left hand.
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